After Your Surgery
Since North Metro Anesthesia opened, our patients have depended on us to provide industry leading care. Here you can learn more about what to expect for your postoperative care.
After surgery you will be sent to the PACU (or recovery room) to wake up from anesthesia
The PACU is a critical care unit where nurses will closely monitor your vital signs and pain level
You may have an oxygen mask or nose prongs to help you breathe
Your surgical site will be examined
Length of stay in the PACU is about 1-3 hours, depending on your needs
Most patients remember very little about their experience in the recovery room
Anesthesia takes about a day to completely leave your body, so for the next 24 hours after surgery:
DO NOT drive
DO NOT operate heavy machinery
DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages
DO NOT take sleeping pills or other medications that cause drowsiness
DO NOT make any important decisions or sign contracts
Get plenty of rest
Have someone at home with you
Return to your normal diet SLOWLY (start with liquids and soft foods)
Call your Surgical Clinic if you have any questions or are experiencing the following:
Cannot eat or drink
Continuous nausea and vomiting
Cannot urinate
Develop a new rash
Have a temperature above 100.5℉
Severe Pain