Childbirth is no walk in the park. We are here to help. We know that you may have many questions when it comes to pain relief during your labor. Please access the information on Labor Epidural Anesthesia to help you understand the process, and risks, and be sure to watch the educational video.
An epidural catheter is a tiny tube that delivers pain medication below your spinal cord. This area is called the epidural space. An epidural can be used during childbirth to numb the lower body.
For some women an epidural may slow down labor, while for others it has no effect on the length of labor and may even make labor go faster!
The medicine you receive through an epidural is unlikely to affect your baby.
An epidural can also be used to block pain during a C-section.
Please plan ahead and give your nurse a 1 hour notice before you will need to decrease your labor pains. It takes time to prepare, place and feel the effects of an epidural
Intrathecal injection is a type of regional anesthesia that can be used to provide pain relief during labor
This is a single shot technique that works quickly. No catheter remains. It does NOT allow for continual dosing and will only provide effective pain relief for a 2 hour period.
This type of labor anesthesia is for mothers who are rapidly progressing through labor and are expected to deliver quickly.
A small percentage of patients will meet criteria for this anesthetic technique. Your CRNA will help to decide if this is the right choice for your labor
Risks & Possible Complications
Headache or Post Dural Puncture Headache
Nausea and vomiting
Allergic reaction
Decreased blood pressure
Ongoing numbness
Irregular heartbeat
Cardiac arrest
*Serious complications are rare